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Fake news asserts Trump's time is up, perhaps their time us up too.

As to the veiled threat left hanging of, '...time will tell'; however this also applies to you Mr Bruni and to your cohorts of the quasi religious, moral mind set.  A feasible scenario; Trump gets elected to serve another term; those on the other side of the aisle, your good self, compelled as you may be
to set this doomsday scenario aright, you resort to your weapon of choice, your pen, dipped in anti-Trump vitriol it may be but surely the thought that you have been doing this for the past  4 years to little effect apart from preaching to the converted dawns on you.
So Trump is reelected now all of Europe is fervently populist (not unrealistic, if a touch Bannonesque) and the movement is growing; your voice calls out but few are listening for the Trump tinged herd is on the march and it is not coloured blue. What  then?  Will you confidently assert their 'time is up' or will you with a smidgen of self doubt, reflect 'my goodness, perhaps my time is up too?' 

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