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Are you one of the 'less deceived'?

Here in London - I too am a playwright. So, if you can provide me with evidence of a play with a populist bent produced in the UK in the last decade I would be surprised.  On a more frivolous cultural current, ditto the dearth of 'populist' comedians today. Why is this?  Maybe there is a 'play' in that for you, or an article but don't submit it to the NYT.  Why would you not do that...maybe there is an article in that and so on ad infinitum.

Reading your article is like someone loud hailering you from a bullet proof limousine, protected by the  ex cathedra garland of being published  by a mighty organ, (the NYT - no offence). The anti-populist litany of prejudices replete with high octane contempt, seethes through your piece.  Despite your scolding 'I told you so' writing, how do you know what people with a populist bent read in Austria, the UK, France where a third of the population voted 'populist'; Poland, Hungary, the inexorable rise of the ADF in German politics et al.  If the 'Populist' movement had been force fed the literary diet you besmirch them with, the Populist movement would not be of the staggering proportions it currently is. This soi disant educated type sounding off may have 'drama', whatever that is, but does it have substance? As for this 'playwright' in London don't lump me with that populist pejorative, rather, I would be grateful if you would refer to me as one of the 'less deceived'.

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