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Contrarian'S  (your blogger) REPLY TO AN ARTICLE IN THE New York Times
England | Pending Approval
This is a very well written article, but why the faux surprise about politicians and their behaviour? 'Under every stone lurks a politician claimed Aristophanes' 2500 years ago, yet Mr Bruni would seem a mite surprised by such an insight. I would venture that there is something Mr Bruni has in common with Trump and Clinton, he too has been made a victim through having to dip his pen in this...this...(I can hardly get the words out} this ...nostalgie de la boue...yes to scribble about this disreputable duo of pooches who strayed from the porch. So Mr Bruni can indulge himself on paper in the benighted state this duo has left him, all of us, in. Although being a 'victim' where you can cri de coeur is innocent enough - that is if you are a real 'victim' and you are not riding the victim hood gravy train of progressives. One wonders was Mr Bruni a supporter of St Barack, whose halo is gradually being besmirched unless you think a million dollar Netflix deal is a way of bestowing sanctity on him. Give me Aristophanes any day for there is a little in all of us that lurks behind stones.  

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