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Editors and journalists with a touch of the North Koreas

A New York Times writer sneeringly opines of Trump '..who is hanging onto Donald Trump like — um, we will not say Stormy Daniels. That would be totally tacky'.  No, to the writers faux apologetic self aggrandizing,  it would be sneering, giggling and rather girly and of a type of writing that is emblematic of self appointed 'savants' who emerge from ideology factories (good Universities) where they are indoctrinated in what can only be described as a quite terrifying way. As someone who has gone through the  'Higher' Education process for a decade and never ever hearing an illiberal view I know what it is like to have been educated in a ivy walled North Korean ideology factory and so it would appear of your frighteningly biased writers.
Now I wonder why this dissenting voice wont be published by the  New York Times,  could it be that we are ourselves are being subjected to a touch of the North Korea's
by soi disant educated Editors and left leaning journalists.

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