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And you tell me that narraitve is not a tyranny!

don’t interrupt me or I shall lose the thread, well then, there was the one about the café of illusions, and the one about the down-and-out, and the one about the manor house, and the one about the pond with the water lilies, and the one about the path through the wood, and the one about the underground passages being hollowed out, and hollowed out, and the one about the cemetery, and the one about the word that sticks in your throat, and the one about the lost letter, and the one about the so-called nephews, and the one about the law court and its sentence, and the one about the dethroned king, and the one about the murderers everywhere, and the one about the garden with the nettles, and the one about the knife, and the one about the dead children, and the one about the grief, and the one about the rats, and the one about the innocents, and the one about the journeys to nowhere, and the one about the town, and the one about the cross-roads, and the one about the grief, and the one about the dead children, and the one about the lost letter, and the one about the murderers and the one about....

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