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Capitalist control and your innermost desires.

.In the 1960s, Herbert Marcuse introduced the concept of ‘repressive desublimation’

What is that? I hear you say:
repressive desublimation is a term first coined by philosopher and sociologist Herbert Marcuse in his work One-Dimensional Man that refers to the way - in his words - in advanced capitalism “sexuality is liberated (or rather liberalized) in socially constructive forms”[
 so as to serve, rather than to challenge, forms of social control.

Rather than acting against the social order (as the repressive hypothesis would suggest),[ s
sexual liberation was thus co-opted to support the repressive order, through the undoing of sublimations and the release of pleasure in socially approved forms.

By offering instantaneous, rather than mediated gratifications,[3] repressive desublimation was considered by Marcuse to remove the energies otherwise available for a social critique; and thus to function as a conservative force under the guise of liberation.

Ok you sublimnate your sexual desires in the wider social sense, yet these desires are allowed free rein, and still be subject to capitalist control – how so?  By way of the porn industry

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