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The way to become a good 'writer' is to be a voracious reader.

One finds with most good or great writers that they have been voracious readers. Take the 'great' writer
Cervantes, who wrote Don Quixote.

BornBorn 29th September 1547
Alcalá de HenaresCastile
DiedApril 23, 1616 (aged 68)

Cervantes’s knowledge of the world of his time and his intellectual curiosity and voracious reading was legendary.  His magnus opusDon Quijote,  alone constitutes a veritable encyclopedia of Renaissance and pre-Renaissance literature and ideas.

One of  the authorial voices in Quijote alludes to such intellectual curiosity and
voracious reading practices when it admits a passion for looking
at anything printed, including torn papers found on the street.

A personal note: Apparently 'Curiosity', is one of the hallmarks of intelligence and yet I encounter those of an enquiring mind very rarely.  Methinks, time to seek out new people.

So, reader what are your experiences, do you meet enquiring minds, full of coriosity (not about themselves) but about others.

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