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'In the cosmic scheme we are just chemical scum.' Really?

'There is nothing significant about human beings in the cosmic
scheme of things,' the physicist Professor Stephen Hawking would
have us believe. "We are just chemical scum on the surface of
a typical star on the outskirts of a typical galaxy.'
David Deutsch points out that the proviso the 'cosmic scheme of
things' is necessary as the chemical scum has moral values which
it applies to itself. But the Hawking 'Principle of Mediocrity'
 goes that all such values are
themselves anthropocentric, they explain only the behaviour of the
scum, which is itself insignificant.
Cold dark and empty that unimaginably desolate environment may be
typical of the Universe - which is a measure of how untypical
we 'chemical scum' are.
we humans are

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