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If Aliens are Intelligent, it follows, they Must be Curious, so Why haven’t they....

How many times have you been in company and you wait and wait as the people you are talking to prattle on about themselves, and you think well at any moment now they will ask me a question about myself, some enquiry of some kind. But no...they continue to jabber on about themselves. And you think these people are just not curious, and surely curiosity is a key element in intelligence. 

And besides isn’t it rude not to enquire of other people? Then you are just about to speak and your see them glancing at their mobile and see  their thumbs itching. They are listening to what you say but they are somewhere else. They only really come alive when they are talking about themselves.
Which got me thinking about aliens. 

File:H.R. Giger - Necronom IV.jpg  Is that one sugar or two you take in your tea?

I mean talk about rude, our planet is 4.5. billion years old and they haven’t come to tea yet. And if they are intelligent surely they are curious. Or perhaps they have given us the once over, and wisely decided,  
"I'm not going to tea with those aliens all they want to do is talk about themselves,"

Painting by H.R._Giger_-_Necronom_IV.

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