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Morals under a supernatural legislature.

In the “gods as legislators” model, there are moral principles because the gods or ancestors themselves decided what these norms would be. Several world religions include lists of prohibitions and prescriptions of varying length attributed to some direct communication from the supernatural legislature.

Supernatural agents are also represented as “interested parties” in moral choices. This means that the gods or the ancestors are not indifferent to what we do, and this is why we must act in particular ways or refrain from certain courses of action

Children acquire moral concepts by generalizing and gradually abstracting from social conventions
But what is important here is that, from an early age, (a) children’s moral understandings are founded on the intuition that some courses of action are right and others are not, (b) this intuition stems from feelings that cannot be further explicated, and (c) it is assumed that a course of action is right or wrong in itself, regardless of who is considering it. All three assumptions are found in adults too, and form an intuitive basis for moral inferences. Obviously, they are also supplemented by explicit understandings of moral principles, as well as (in some places) their connections with religious concepts

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