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Kavanaugh and his accuser

The NYT Editorial Board, begin by finger wagging at Republicans. 'Don’t engage with the specifics, just deny deny, deny.' Which makes one counter, don’t engage with the specifics, just accuse accuse accuse. What 'specifics' would these wise body of men/women advocate Kavanaugh engage with? This kind of testimony. 'Although it was nearly 40 years ago I remember clearly the carpet in that room... it was a bit threadbare...' Memory is notoriously selective that is why there are laws around time frames protecting those accused of supposed crimes. One is not defaming Kavanaugh's accuser by wondering that in the 40 year time span Kavanaugh has had many very senior well publicised appointments, so why did his accuser not come forward in those opportune moments. Further, is one allowed to point out that Kavanaugh's accuser is a Democrat who has made contributions to the Democratic Party and associated left wing causes. However Kavanaugh's accuser has a right to be heard and she is being heard on a national stage, one cant help but entertain the cynical thought that is what she wanted all along, for she had many opportunities before but this was the big opportunity. All this is politically deeply cynical which will deservedly lose Democrats votes in the mid-terms, for one feels the wider American public now refuse to be duped any further,

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