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Into the Valley of Death the Press Pack rode.

Into the Valley of Death Rode the Vituperative Press Pack
Journalists of the liberal left brigade mounted and ready, awaited to echo their paymasters' political bias and revenge for their 2016 loss.' But now it was 2020 a new dawn awaited if they could destroy the assembled rabble below. As their horses, ‘Fulmination’ ‘Tourettes’
and ‘Deranged’ to name but a few, twitched and snorted in anticipation, their General, a Monsieur Acosta, reminded his men 'of Flaubert’s remark about style, that it is ‘the discharge from a deeper wound, so remember in what ink to dip your pens.’ Down below in the Valley the Trump troops assembled, a rag tag of the people’s army, now an assembly of them hoisted a banner, which read,  'Style in 'Journalism' can be an organized violence committed on ordinary speech because it constitutes a deviation from average speech that estranges the reader.' The Troops at the top of the hill could now see this unfurled banner. Someone had blundered, it would seem the rabble below were not just uneducated deplorables.
Still. Theirs not to make reply,                                                                                                      
Theirs not to reason why,
    Theirs but to do and die.
    So, into the valley of Death

    They rode - their demise set

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