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Stubborn facts about how much each lawyer on Mueller probe has earned

No one is denying Mueller is a find and noble man with an illustrious career, however that is no guarantee of delivering, justice, or the truth, nor does it guarantee fairness. Yes, the Republican broadside is destructive, destructive to what?  Equally destructive and perhaps more so is this never ending Mueller probe which drapes America in a shroud of doubt and in keep it  a state of stasis and every day it continues the US loses as it further divides

Facts are indeed stubborn things, fact: the Muller probe has run for close on two 
two years, fact: costing the US taxpayer millions and millions of dollars
which have been trousered by not short of a penny mainly sympathetic to Democrat lawyers. Like the question how many immigrants are you prepared to let into America; 1 million or 100 million, similarly how long and how much cost are you prepared to accommodate for the Mueller probe, 5, 10 years, $50 million
or $500 million.

Might not  as a matter of public information those on 'high'
request the disclosure of how much each lawyer has so far earned from the 
pure as white Mueller probe.

In this way the US taxpayer would be privy to some interesting and no doubt stubborn facts.

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