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Comparing the Muller probe to the Inqusition

MULLER the grand Inquistor. 
Francisco de Goya - Escena de Inquisición - Google Art Project.jpg

Imagine a world where a special prosecutor was appointed and given authority higher than any official or appointee had heretofore been granted.  Imagine there were no bounds to his inquiries, and he made use of torture to extract confessions, but more importantly, to extract accusations against others, who were then prosecuted. There was no time limit imposed on the inquiry, only results.
The year was 1478, and the Catholic Rulers Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain appointed the Board of Inquisition, headed by the Grand Inquisitor, to seek out and prosecute heresy, which as defined by the Church, was any deviation from Catholic dogma.
The Spanish Inquisition lasted 300 years and resulted in the prosecution of over 150,000 individuals and the execution of up to 5000 individuals.  
The MULLER probe has last 2 yeat and cost millions and millions of tax payers dollars and the reward for the taxpayer and increasingly divided US”

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