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The New York Tines is akin to a Pravda like tome - with Dirty Harry type journalism out to destroy Trump,

The NYT to give it its acronym is that whispering, or as the French would refer to it, the Soufleur, who in a paternal voice is out to cull and paralyze those who support Trump their journalists
are the Dirty Harrry's of the Liberal intelligentsia, like sitters who over pose for their photographs
as they contend with their leftist self-worth as they pen their anti Trump want to say to them 'saddle up Cowboy the rodeo has already commenced - the world wide populist movement
One feels these journalists want to add extra initial to their  J.A.K. Nobody , a tag the can wear like a borrowed suit

 To ventriloquises Samuel Johnson: "No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money"  The model provided by Johnson is important for it represents the continued importance (the immortality) that can be earned by engaging in an editorial project whose ultimate object is "to satisfy the taste of the time" which is a virulent anti-Trump bias which is fracturing America

One feels there is an ongoing  Moral Absolutism afoot here.

Moral absolutism asserts that there are certain universal moral principles by which all peoples’ actions may be judged. It is a form of deontology.
The challenge with moral absolutism, however, is that there will always be strong disagreements about which moral principles are correct and which are incorrect.
For example, most people around the world probably accept the idea that we should treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves. But beyond that, people from different countries likely hold varying views about everything from the morality of abortion and capital punishment to nepotism and bribery.
Moral absolutism contrasts with moral relativism, which denies that there are absolute moral values. It also differs from moral pluralism, which urges tolerance of others’ moral principles without concluding that all views are equally valid.
So, while moral absolutism declares a universal set of moral values, in reality, moral principles vary greatly among nations, cultures, and religions.

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