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Is the New York Times an ideology factory?

Post a comment on the New York Tines comments page but make sure it has a strong leftist sympathy for in this Lberal echo chamber, you are not going to be heard unless you toe the Party line; I know, I have tried.

It is as if the people contributing to the comments past were taking part in a quasi religious ritual; enthronement psalms, eschatological hymns

abound - there will be a new dawn and we will all be saved by the sainted triumvirate of Nancy Pelosi, Chelsea Clinton or Oprah. No wonder the left's moral advocating  is often referred to as a secular religion

One can only describe the comments page as astonishingly biased so much so that like
the Guardian in the UK it becomes ripe for satire, rather than being bastions of Democracy, these twin organs, I would submit are blaring foghorns to a Liberal ideology.

Of course the same could be argued of say Fox News in the US or the Daily Mail in the
UK.  Do they also not accommodate dissenting views? Well, let's hear the argument.

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