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How we might think in another dimension

So, how do you propose we might think in another dimension.

 Practise. Catch them early, at school. Kids can‟t think of infinity as a concept yet
they can accommodate boundedness. Why is that?

 You tell me.

 Lack of practice. If I was teaching I would ask the kids to imagine in a
pond. Image result for fish in a pond near surface

And I would explain that the fish can see the other dimension to their world by the rainImage result for rain on pond

spattering on the surface of the pond. In that way they detect a third dimension. For us, we
think in four dimensions, and the fifth dimension is detected by light. So think of something,
anything to do with light.

It is...and what‟s really exciting about light, the thing that gives us the appearance
of colour, is that it has a probability factor.

There is a chance element to it?

 Yes, photons...the thing light is made of....bounce of electrons and scatter, so the
moon reflected on the lake, beloved of poets, has a probability element in it.Image result for moon on lake


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