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Do left wing campuses politically indoctrinate students?

There is a prevailing  assumption that universities are ivory towers of radicalism with the potential to corrupt conservative youth and amidst skyrocketing costs this warrants delving into

In recent years, the focus of academic debates over faculty ideology has shifted away from the question of whether college and university faculty tend to be disproportionately liberal (as evidence of this has mounted)

Of course there is always going to be methodological problems in conducting surveys 
that said, a recent   survey conducted  found that professors with liberal socio-political views outnumbered their conservative counterparts by a ratio of 5 to 1 in the United States, with the former constituting 72% of the faculty body and the later representing 15%

Onto the question of what the causes and consequences of this imbalance are. In general, the debate over causes has been between two broad explanations; one which argues that academia has an ideological bias which discriminates against conservatives,  

The survey outlined the Self-Selection Hypothesis, which proposed that conservatives were less likely to pursue careers in academia due to a combination of personal preference and belief that they would face more challenges in achieving academic success due in a progressive-dominated lefitist  field

The prevalence of progressive professors in institutions of higher education, some argue, has created an environment that prioritizes political correctness above truthfulness. A report by the California Association of Scholars, put together in 2012 for the UCLA, argues that the lack of balance between liberal and conservative viewpoints has contributed to a culture that espouses socio-cultural and political apologists, whilst marginalizing those with center-right viewpoints

The prevalence of progressive professors in institutions of higher education, some argue, has created an environment that prioritizes political correctness above truthfulness. A report by the California Association of Scholars, put together in 2012 for the UCLA, argues that the lack of balance between liberal and conservative viewpoints has contributed to a culture that espouses socio-cultural and political apologists, whilst marginalizing those with center-right viewpoints

There is the argument that Liberal or even radical politics remade by the forces of neoliberalsin
have inculcated the student bod.

There is little denial of the fact that the professoriat is  one of the most left leaning occupation  groups...
The argument then is, does their Pedagogy  bordered on indoctrination, while they pursue Esoteric research and low teaching loads
Students then emerge (I know from personal experience) They emerge scrambling for credentials

As ever it is hard to pinpoint the nexus of this argument suffice to say left leaning academia should be challenged.

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