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The present conflict between Jews Christians and Muslims viewed philosophically

 Do some problems current in the US stem from Billy Graham and the modern day Mecca of hamburgers and coca cola

At present Europe, America, and what were called the ―white Dominions‖ have convinced themselves that they 
 are confronting in Islam generally and in Iran particularly the most philosophical of Islamic cultures at present - something deeply irrational, were reason is suspended 

In the past, one hopes that the Anglo-American imperium supposed that violent regime change,shock and awe, and bombing back to the Stone Age are the necessary responses to this irrationality/

However we need to look again at what their claim to reason and ours are.
reason is. As Henry Corbin put it forty years agoin the Preface to one of his works on
Shīite Iran 'The spatial distances (technology) between humans are being more and more reduced in our day, at least if measured in terms of time; concurrently we hear talk of an ―acceleration of history.‖ 

The greatest, problem standing in the way of our comprehending the Islamic tradition is that it would require our making actual again forms of philosophy from which most of us seem to want to escape or ignore. 

In the third/ninth century Muslims  were immersed in the teachings of the Quran and lived in a
universe in which revelation was a central reality.

Muslims considered Greek
philosophy itself to have been rooted in prophesy, and in contrast to how the West was to view Greek philosophy later, Muslims continued to identify the origin of the Greek philosophical tradition that they were now mastering with revelation.

 Its genesis twelve hundred years ago to today, Islamic philosophy… has been
one of the major intellectual traditions within the Islamic world, and it has influenced and been influenced by many other intellectual perspectives, including Scholastic theology

The life of Islamic philosophy did not terminate with Ibn Rushd nearly eight hundred years ago,  by Rather, its activities continued strongly during the later centuries, particularly in Persia and other eastern lands of Islam, and it was revived in Egypt during the last century.

Havin an hisotrical overviewendeavours to help us learn something from what established and what threatened the autonomy of philosophy across the religious divides in the Middle Ages which might beapplied to the present conflicts between Jews, Christians, and Muslim

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