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Compare and contrast locker room bragadocio (talk and male bluster ) to Clinton's infidelities (action)

Compare and contrast locker room bragadocio (talk and male bluster ) to Clinton's infidelities (action)

Neither behaviour is admirable, but male locker room type talk about women can be evidence of male insecurity whilst in the company of other men - in Darwinian terms fluffing up their feathers, 

However there is a vast difference between indulging in a linguistic fantasy (Trump) and acting physically on a fantasy that involves other human beings physically (Clinton),

This imbalance is not reflected in the media coverage, which would appear to favour the
major crime, oh horrors of horrors, to be Trumps, (any of these reporters ever been in a bar with men, a dressing room after a sporting event, any male gathering)
 and Clinton's misuse of women is a mere bagatelle, in the biased media view Trump's crime is major and Clinton's. well, 'you know these things happen', a mere misdemeanour.

Well, that's Democracy.

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