Originally formulated in the work of Freud and developed in the frame of the psychoanalytic movement, the idea of the unconscious, as the alien moment or region in our subjective life, has become a topic in other traditions, such as phenomenology, aesthetic thinking and more recently also the cognitive neurosciences.
The conference Modes of the Unconscious aims to present and discuss some of the challenges faced by this complex notion. How should we represent the space of the unconscious - as a bodily phenomenon or as a feature of the "mind"?
Should we imagine it as an inner theatre of representations, as Freud suggests, or as a factory, as Deleuze and Guattari propose?
How should we imagine the boundary between consciousness and the unconscious - as a leap or as a continuous passage?
According to the answer to these questions, the very ontological status of the unconscious varies: is it a phenomenon one might study objectively, or does it remain an irreducible part of the subjective?
And finally, how shall we understand the relation between the individual and the collective unconscious? How to assess the role of culture and cultural productions in the shaping of unconscious processes?
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