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Will this biblical exodus release the floodgates of extremism in Europe

In an almost biblical gesture or what others might term a misguided  act of  'moral imperialism'  Angela Merkel  beckons from 'Mount Moral' come one, come all. Germany will be rehabilitated from it past come what may;  one might interpret her actions to be  like some midwife to disarray as she advocates for more and more immigrants.

However there is a growing realisation that what this endless human  influx will create or will unleash is  extremist politics in Europe.the very thing that the EU was created to annul for ever.

Talk about History repeating itself.

Some might call this, doom mongering; only a theory, or a view, however, here are the facts:

In Germany, the anti-immigrant Pegida movement is attracting thousands to its rallies

 in France the Front National continues to gain support.

Elsewhere, Eurosceptic parties are making inroads.

In Portugal, a Syriza-style leftist minority government has taken office opposed to the eurozone’s fiscal rules; and

 In Poland, the Law and Justice Party is back in power, pledged to oppose any Brussels diktat on migrant quotas. Against this backdrop, which can only darken, Britain has to decide over the next two years whether to remain part of an increasingly unstable organisation.

In the UK at the last election UKIP got millions of votes from the British electorate.

One has to also question what the term 'extremism' is and who is doing the labelling.  For those of such a mind of the above listed, they are following what they believe to be 'common sense' our schools; hospitals and housing are groaning already under the demand.

This is a fact certainly in the UK.

There is  a labelling script that is emitted by in the main  the media, those bien pensants and others of that stripe, who have had what they believe to be a 'good' liberal education, and as a result have never harboured an illiberal thought. But disagree with such people, and one will hear their accusing mantra
' racist, anti-immigrant,  extremist, hate-promoting, and intolerant right wing and extremist.'

And for those feeling they are acting out of a platform of  facts and commons sense, their is a shaking of heads about right and left and never the twain shall meet.

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