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The Sadism of 'Enjoy'

The cheery waiter puts the food down deftly in front of you. Then you are unmoored from this servitude with the waiters, slightly too hearty diktat, "Enjoy!"

Right, well, I will enjoy, yes, I am going to enjoy this. The French refer to enjoyment as jouissance,
which sound palatable in French but everything has an attractive lilt  in French;

The more po paced would regard gorging yourself as slightly obscene.

After this trivial note we embrace the non-trivial Freudian stricture of what Freud refers to as primary masochism, the obsession to enjoy as if it were a Law, Enjoy, Enjoy, is unleashes a demented sadism in us, it becomes an unwavering obsession. Capitalism, with it crazed diktats insists that you Enjoy!
for if you do, you will buy!
These cultural diktats ensure that our ideology becomes libidinal rather than conceptual,
man is not only born in chains but he enjoys them. What about the freedom of conceptuality
I would rather stay in chains. Pass the salt, would you?


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