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Health Fascism

'Health fascism’, which appears in the OED, does of course have an empirical reality.

So what is it?

It might be termed society's 'do good' megaphone.

"You smoke,you must be mad.  You have to quite smoking, now!"
"You really should cut down on your coffe intake."
"Go to the gym more often!"
"Have you had yourself tessted for bowel cancer, there is a National screening programme, I know it is unpleasant really should!"
"You really should regular cancer screening tests, you really should!"

So you follow these dictates and lie prone on a metal table, wearing a paper ‘gown’, awaiting the arrival of a doctor who is increasingly likely to be younger than oneself.

The good Doctor queries you on your dietary and lifestyle habits which you guiltily expose
and it is at this point that it crosses you mind that the real fascist here is not the medical institutions but your own body. What can doctors do if our bodies crave things which are harmful to us?

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