Have you ever gone up in a lift in a Council Block in London and being affronted by the smell of urine, I have.
And in my various visits to 'sink estates' in London I have been affronted by far worse. So one thinks of Council owned property as opposed to private property. City or Council owned does not induce people to care, | mean the Estates are not kept up to scratch out of a kind of universal love it is argued. Such attention and love comes about, it would appear, when the property is privately owned.
It would also appear to follow that one will flourish over the longer term and one will not.

PS I am not being dismissive about housing the more needy members of our society, however, I am putting forward what many believe to be a psychological truism.
| PS, S I am all for 'Council Estate art' being introduced to the School Curriculum and those more 'worthy' forms of art making room.
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