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Barnacles of the'left' stuck to their ideological rocks,

What is frightening about the 'left' is their barnacle lile tenacity to cling on
to their ideological the UK, the recent  confrontation of the health secretary by 75-year-old June Hautot was a rigged affair; this sweet old woman is an uber agitator of long standing, To give the matter further oxygen, (journalists of the left) without a whisper of this old
pensioner's form is to traduce the reader. If the left buy this sentimental hogwash
they are akin to a naive person being conned by a 3 card trick.
The emotive 'slave labour', Ed Miliband  (Labour leader in the UK)  use of the word 'predators' to refer to business is more of the lefts parasitic opportunism, .Why don't people on the left ever display some fluidity, ie that is bad, and that is good (youth schemes back to work) if those on the left did that then they might be viewed as being in the 'real' world
and not the barnacles stuck steadfast to their ideological rocks, most progressive people view them as.

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