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Who says, Animals don't have Language?

File:Common Seal Phoca vitulina.jpg

There is story of a Professor who after dinner one night was strolling back home with his wife. They decided to take their promenade past the local Zoo, and as they did so, they heard what sound like a barked out sound of
‘Hoover, get outta there?”
They decided to get closer and indeed the sound was quite clear and it was a repeated ‘Hoover. Get outta there.”
Puzzled, the next day the Professor decided to find out what this was all about.
He contacted the Zoo and was informed that he was not imagining things there was indeed a seal in the Zoo, nicknamed 'Hoover', who did make that repeated sound. And it had come about in the following way:
Some time back a baby seal was found abandoned. A local fisherman decided to adopt it. Each day the fisherman came back from work, he would find the seal rummaging in the cupboards for food. It happened so often that the fisherman nicknamed the seal ‘Hoover’ and he would shout at the seal ‘Hoover, get outta there.’
The seal now grown up and installed in the local zoo, parrot like, now barked this out all the time and that’s how you get a seal calling out.
“Hoover get outta there!”

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