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Can you have More than 100% information?

In the world of classical physics, (large objects) say a pair of spinning tops, can be matched up so that information between the two measurements is 100%.

In a similar experiment in the Quantum world (very small objects)
a pair of electrons can be equally measured as they spin to provide 100% information.
So where do we get the more than 100% information?

Well unlike the spinning tops in our classical world, the electrons can spin simultaneously in both directions - because electrons can spin at the same time in both a clockwise and counterclockwise directions.  At the same time! Yes. This is known as quantum entanglement, and referred to as action at a distance.

Counter intuitive? Yes  Spooky? Well, that was Einstein’s word for it.

Recommended read.  Vlatko Vedral’s book Decoding Reality: The Universe as Quantum Information  Oxford University Press 2010

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