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Bosco Redmond wonders what it was like to be Shakespeare's Dad




He is a goode  boye  Wiliam,  but difficulte.  I wonte  telle  ye againe Will'  putte  hate  quill downe and gette to 

 What is it nowe Williame?  Another  thinge  you have  wrote. Whye do you saye it like thate Willaime in that rhyming waye?  Nowe offe  to  bedy and give me the quilley. 
"I donte  knowe  where he gets  it f rome, I cannote reade or write...nore can my whyfe, she sendes out a running  horse  for  her signature.

The teachers at the Grammare  school, saye Wilaime  is getting  a little out of handey. They just dont understande him. Surprisy, surproise I  tried to talk to theme but they have beene off  sicky. Why are theye alwayses offe sicky?
"Willi', stope reading oute that bloudy stuffe, you are getting on oure nerves. 

Thinges are goinge frowm  bad to worse for us, I never  shoulde  have gonne  into  thate money lending  bysiness. What this ?Williame, come downe here and reade this for me. What's it say?
"Stoppe rushing me Dad," Well. what's it saye?"
It saye "Williame is a prmising pupile, but coulde do bettere."

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