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Biden and his loss of 'grip' when debated and the disorder of selfhood

Why Biden is being protected from debating Trump is this loss of mental 'grip' when confronted
so why is this?
There is a word ipseity (a fundamental and pre-reflective awareness of self)  and for some who are cognitively challenged,  (SAY BIDEN OR ALL OF THOSE APPROACHING 80)THIS FUNDAMENTAL AWARENESS OF SELF IS UNDERMINWS (the brain ages like all our organs IS A machine which runs down. On  VULGAR LEVEL THINK OF HOW LONG YOUR NEW COMPUTER LASTS? 2 OR 3 YEARS

oN TO TYPES LIKE BIDEN, AND MILLIONS OF OTHERS OF A SIMILAR AGE, There is  a fundamental and pre-reflective awareness of self that leads to a loss of COGNITIVE ‘grip’ (in the term of Merleau-Ponty) THE MENTAL GRIP  on concepts and percepts (PERCEPTIONS)

In moments of stress, (say a debate with Trump, or bIDEN Interviews WHERE HE APPEARS CONFUSED) the foundational philosophical idea that we cannot misspeak the first person pronoun— FOR AGEING bIDEN TYPES THIS immunity is challenged, and quasi-psychotic experiences represented. and what occurs in this confused  form of consciousness is consistent with experiences of depersonalization, dissociation and hyperreflexivity between the affective aspects of the condition and its cognitive and perceptual features  the sorts of mental phenomena (states of mind, beliefs, disordered perceptions of time, space and body)

coenaesthesis or the “organic dimly-conscious I” (1913, 249), the general sense of existence that comes from the sum of bodily feelings and operates at a level below consciousness proper.

hoemaker contends, following Wittgenstein, that in speaking of cognitive or experiential states (in Wittgenstein’s examples, ‘I try to lift my arm’, ‘I have toothache’, ‘I think it will rain’) we cannot misspeak the pronoun ‘I’; it has the authority of Sass’s vital and self-coinciding subjectivity (557).
 at this fundamental level, there are two dimensions to ipseity for both phenomenological philosophers such as Merleau-Ponty and Michel Henry and psychologists such as Sass and Shaun Gallagher (Merleau-Ponty 1989; Henry 1973; Sass and Parnas 2003; Gallagher 2000). There is “thematic, explicit or reflec
intrauterine condition before birth with which he was abidingly concerned

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