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What seems psychologically true for Biden seems applicable to Nancy

 Judging by Nancy Pelosi  latest outbursts  the “immunity principle”: the idea of self-reference “with immunity to the error of misidentifying the first-person pronoun”seems worth a probe

The immunity principle (the self, I, me as immune) of  what happens to linguistic self-reference one's self, under  pressure, and where the perceptual deficits of attention, memory and time perception are put under pressure.

Results in referring to A G Barr,,,,as a 'blob' or what some of her ilk LIKENED state troopers as 'Storm Troopers'

OR EVEN  refereed to THEMas Nazis

The left's trebuchet (an ancient machine for lobbing stones against the enemy)
of name calling the trinity IS   'RUSSIA' 'NAZI'S' 'FASCISTS'etc etc

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