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Why you have a dimple when you smile,

  • “If you happen to be one of the people who has a split zygomaticus major muscle, where the lower part of it is tethered to the overlying skin, this will create a dimple in your cheek when you smile.” ...

“a human baby is born expecting culture just as a fish is born expecting water.

“even been suggested that the eventual domestication of cereals in this area could have grown from a culture which invested heavily, not in bread-making, but in beer-brewing – and that alcohol could have flowed freely, greasing the wheels of social intercourse, at these ancient feasts.”
― Alice Roberts, Tamed: Ten Species That Changed Our World
“Most chickens, though, grow fast – and are slaughtered at just six weeks old. When we eat chickens, they’re really just overblown, overgrown, big chicks. The ends of their bones haven’t even begun to turn from cartilage to bone yet. A single great-grandmother hen, back in the pedigree flock, can have an astonishing 3 million broiler-chicken descendants – who never make it to adulthood.”
― Alice Roberts, Tamed: Ten Species That Changed Our World
“Humans have always been – as Rutherford so neatly encapsulates it – both ‘horny and mobile’.”
― Alice Roberts, Tamed: Ten Species That Changed Our World
“Nor,’ he added, almost with a glint in his eye, ‘have I been disappointed.”
― Alice Roberts, Tamed: Ten Species That Changed Our World

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