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The Bankrupting of the UK's NHS

Bleak: The patients lined up from 6.30am because it was their only hope of a same-day appointment with their GP at a heavily oversubscribed practice. The Sunbury Health Centre in Surrey is one of the biggest in Britain

The above is a picture of people queuing to see a Doctor in the UK.

It is just after 6am.

This is a development of supply and demand, there are too many people in the UK

making demands on a stretched service,

Boris Johnson (Mayor of London) the great drawer on Classics to illustrate his arguments, (studied Classics at |Oxbridge, don't you know) says our alarm to this overcrowding is our fear of the 'other' to which one can only reply that man has been reading to much Edward Said and is in a 2nd year undegrad' Oxygen tent.

But this is symptomatic of our politicians, a denial of facts as they allay the genuine fears of the populace.

Equally neither party in the UK will face the facts on the NHS - that it is no longer financially tenable
£billions are invested and a great deal of those billions are wasted, for wherever there is public money available the parasitic will gather, this is true of the BBC, UK education ie Teaching Unions and of course the NHS.

The NHS budget is bloated and some will say sink under the bloated UK populace's DIABETES, we are the 2nd fattest nation in Europe.

'We are the party that will save the NHS' each of the major political parties claim.  Well, if any thinking person believes that - to progress in the 'real' world, there will have to be massive financial  readjustment  to UK institutions, the BBC, the NHS, Welfare...I could go on



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