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It is not fear of the 'other' Mr Mayor, overcrowding in London is not something you shunt into an intellectual sidings, overcrowding in London is a major phsyiological stressor.

Boris Johnson (Mayor of London) the great drawer on Classics to illustrate his arguments, (studied Classics at |Oxbridge, don't you know) says our alarm to this overcrowding is our fear of the 'other' to which one can only reply that man has been reading to much Edward Said and is in a 2nd year undegrad' Oxygen tent.

More importantly,  among a multitude of other respected studies, a group of Quebec-based researchers, including several from the Centre for Studies on Human Stresses in Montreal, have proven what many Inuit leaders have said for years: overcrowding makes people sick from stress.

In a study called “Household crowding is associated with higher allostatic load among the Inuit,” published Jan. 2 in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, researchers found that overcrowding causes serious wear and tear on the body’s major systems: heart, lungs, nerves, immunity and metabolism

this is the image politicians present:
Below is the reality:

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