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When Forgiveness is Calculation

Derrida discerns another aporia in regard to whether or not to forgive somebody who has caused us significant suffering or pain. 

This particular paradox revolves around the premise that if one forgives something that is actually forgivable, then one simply engages in calculative reasoning and hence does not really forgive. 

Most commonly in interviews, but also in his recent text On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness, Derrida argues that according to its own internal logic, genuine forgiving must involve the impossible: that is, the forgiving of an 'unforgivable' 

This unconditional 'forgiveness' explicitly precludes the necessity of an apology or repentance by the guilty party, Derrida's discussions of forgiving are orientated around revealing a fundamental paradox that ensures that forgiving can never be finished or concluded - it must always be open, like a permanent rupture, or a wound that refuses to heal.

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