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The 'left' liberal ideology of Obama and Milliband; al.

The Left has always been comfortable with “imposing its views” on populations, large proportions of which do not share them, because it genuinely believes that those views represent the only possible social good: they are not simply one side of an argument in which your opponents can be seen as conscientious and well-meaning (even if mistaken).
Left-liberal ideology is based on the notion that its programme is the inexorable face of the future: the force of enlightenment engaged in a fight to the death with the benighted past. Those ordinary people who cannot see the light, because they have been deceived by the wicked and self-serving (“class enemies” in the original Marxist formulation) who exploit their ignorance and trick them into voting or agitating against their own true interests, must have this righteous vision imposed upon them for their own good.

source Janet Daly Sunday Telegraph

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