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The predominance of the Liberal mind-set in education.

The students arrive for their first day they wave  gooodbye to their proud mums and  dads.

So what these eager young minds are  expect is  the great intellectual adventure and that enviable freedom to explore new ideas.

Well I say new 'new. ' What they will get and this is especially true in the humanities, is encouragement, yes, to express ideas, but just as long as the new ideas don’t wander beyond the established intellectual boundaries of the leftist intelligentsia of their tutors/professors/tenured hermeneutes.  These student will be passive in the face of those authirtiavte those that 'know; or claim to know but they only know that you (the studen does not know and he/she knows that you (the stufent) don't know that he/she doesn't know either.
insist upon.

There are, facts and figures to support the claim that liberal thought is prevalent on US college campuses and UK Universities i.e 72 per cent of professors at 183 American universities identifying themselves as liberal. But personal accounts often illustrate a point better than statistics.

Take the instance of an anthropology professor, who was supposed to be teaching about "prehistoric developments of culture," who tested students on the UK/US decision to attack Iraq. I will leave it to your imagination the mark you would get if you expressed an illiberal view, It is difficult to understand the relationship between the science of anthropology and political views. Not something to express to the liberal  'Professor'.

The problem with my children's University, we are talking Cambridge here, is that at the heart of the matter is that  modern UK universities create an environment where a liberal view is the only acceptable one for moral, religious, social and political issues. 'Free' exchange of ideas therefore occurs only within the confines of liberal thought. Rather than students learning how to think, they are taught what to think.

The liberal mind-set dominates every aspect of academic life from physics to politics, from English to economics, and from biology to business.

Liberalism is an all-encompassing ideology that equates what is morally right. Modern liberalism enables students to justify immoral and socially deviant behaviour because it dispenses with common decency and replaces traditional values with moral relativism. As a result students leave their life-giving academic mother with liberal mind-sets and leftist ideologies inculcated by their liberal professors. One thing you have to admire is the liberal art and how they have taken so many students over so many years to the liberal cleaners. Higher education certainly in the UK remains a bastion
 of  modern liberalism.

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