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Should I have a 'Paul McCartney' or not?

Being un homme d'un certain age, my 'barnet fair' (hair) is going rather grey.

A friend suggests,  "Why don't you have a 'Paul McCartney?"
"What's that?"
"You know have your hair dyed."

So I look at a picture of McCartney, not a grey hair to be seen, just a mop that is...well, it just seems there is quite a lot of red in it,  as if the tinting operation has been botched up.  And you have to wonder does McCartney- naturally reluctant to call others in to  colour his hair, ("I dyed Paul McCartney's hair!") well does 'Macca' do his own hair dying?

You know, head down over the kitchen sink and just  pour it a 'aw fuck it' way, as John Lennon would say, because the results look well, not quite right, in fact McCartney's 'barnet fair'
looks like a bit of  a botched job.

I continue my research and look at other types, politicians and 'show biz' kinds  that have had a 'Paul McCartney' and conclude that men who dye their hair, are not unlike men who wear 'syrup and figs' (wigs) - you can always tell .

I am as vain as the next man but I think I will pass on this one.

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