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Tony Awards and the inanity of the collaborators - the 'acting profession'

Trump  is  eviscerated once again. Surprise, surprise. But where would the journalists' opinion piece be if it wasn't fuelled by vitriol - that engine in the scribbler's pen.  As to the US  divide or fracture; there are the 'lock her up' cries of the Trump base which some have likened to a kind of neutered Nuremberg rally  - and then there are the coiffed and dressed to the nines, but show plenty of flesh assembled elites at the Tony awards, guffawing obediently at America's sylvan tongued poet Robert De Niro's profanities which is a frightening sight of another hue, which some have likened to witnessing the cult of stupidity in action - a cult  who unfortunately hold sway to US opinion.  Who does one  prefer?  the hordes chanting 'lock her up' or preening acolytes 'actors' laughing on cue, not quislings of course but  collaborating as if lobotomised.


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