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On redrafting a New York Times article

Peter Cheevers

He seeks to weaken an institution that serves to constrain the abusive exercise of executive authority. Well that high and mighty claim could be rewritten ' he seeks to highlight the quite obvious bias of a left leaning press.' '...has initiated a gladiatorial contest pitting the principle of freedom of the press against a principle of his own invention:, could be rewritten as '...he has set out to highlight that there is no freedom or fairness in a press corps who universally castigate someone who does not dance to their partisan political tune. Trump's war of words against the Press. (OK he is not Shakespeare, who is? scan the NYT's comments page including mine) seeks to highlight an institution that serves to undermine a democratically elected President with a critical onslaught that borders on the demented panic of a religious sect. I could go on and reconstruct every sentence in this article, but hey,call me indolent, life is just too short.

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