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Who exactly are the 'Resist' movement?

First and foremost they are academia and the education industry. 
These are the Indoctrinators: from nursery school teachers, to tenured university professors and most of the administrators. They see their jobs more as social justice activism rather than teaching. This is a “resistance” that has nearly all of academia on their side. These are the most dangerous, for they are shaping the minds of our children and our future generations.  
Then, there are The Enforcers: such as all the progressive social media giants like Facebook, You Tube and Twitter who push a leftist agenda and try to stifle conservative ideas and speech.
Add to that the high tech conglomerates such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft, the left-leaning CEOs of many huge multinational corporations, billionaires like George Soros, Ted Turner and Richard Branson, and the thousands of NGO’s - all of whom spend millions promoting progressive causes.
Next is the propaganda wing of the “Resistance,” which just happens to be around 90 percent of the media entertainment complex, including most news channels, most newspapers, late night comedians, news anchors, ESPN and other sporting franchises and, of course, nearly all of Hollywood and most of its pundits, hangers-on and celebrities.  
And last but not least, one of the wealthiest, most powerful political parties in the whole Western world: the Democratic Party and all their minions in the American civil service and the Deep State.
Does that sound like a struggling, oppressed and poorly financed resistance? Or, does it sound more like a vast, controlling, obscenely wealthy progressive network that uses every tactic at its disposal to oppose a democratic election result - from indoctrination and propaganda to the suppression of free speech and the violence practiced by Antifa, aka the well funded and armed wing of the “Resistance.”
Bizarrely then the Resist movement are the very thing they say they are fighting against. They say they are fighting “fascism” but then they use fascistic methods to bully, demonize and silence all who disagree with them. From Hillary calling Trump voters “deplorables” to the nearly militarized thugs of Antifa calling anyone with a conservative or libertarian viewpoint “Nazis,” their aim is to dehumanize their opposition. This is hardly what a real resistance to so-called fascism would be doing.
They honestly believe they are pro-Freedom but, in fact, they are supporting those politicians and Establishment figures who are behind The Deep State: the powerful, and utterly corrupted part of our government that see themselves as rulers and elites, and not as representatives of the people. The shadowy figures behind the #Resist movement are for globalism and big government.
A globalist government does not value borders, or countries, or value any sense of national sovereignty. This is why they are pro open borders. Why have laws for citizens when non-citizens can now vote in this new global egalitarianism? Why be a part of government in one country when ruling the world is a much more attractive prospect?

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