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Liberalism a proto religious ideology

Ideologies are political and secularized religions. They take with them the symbols and energy of religions, but they focus almost exclusively on the material and on man rather than on the spiritual and on the Judeo-Christian God.
Second, by polarizing political and social thought, ideologies render the virtue of prudence impossible. False absolutes dominate, nuance withers, and compromise—the essence of prudence—becomes impossible. As man naturally desires something greater than himself, ideology assumes the dogma of established religions.

In the UK the Liberals to a man/woman read the Guardian newspaper, but then there is the view that these people are half-educated or even quarter educated.  The problem is if you are all singing from the same hymn sheet. your are closed off from new and challenging ideas, engage with someone who is diametrically opposed to you in opinion and it is a truism to case this is the quickest means to personal growth

But, as modernity, and now post-modernity, continue to make inroads, ravenously mocking and devouring history, tradition, and religion, more and more persons become prey for the seductiveness of false absolutes and easy answers.

As Sam Beckett confesses 'I can only pursue the argument if stimulated by the dialogue, otherwise the ideas won’t come. As he later explains, he has not yet reached the day ‘when I shall not need another hand to hold in my wrongness’. Ever heard that kind of humility from a Liberal.

But let us see the converse 'ideologies':

Conservatism is an ideology which values the status quo and accepts change only reluctantly and at a very slow pace. It is based upon the premise that human institutions are the product of a gradual process of experience, and that they have endured because they have proven to be effective over a long period of time. It follows that it would be most imprudent to change these institutions and practices in any fundamental way. It is not realistic to expect that workable new institutions and practices can be introduced to replace existing ones except through a long gradual process of experimentation. To do otherwise is to invite chaos.

Fascism identifies the nation with the leader, and makes disobedience to the leader tantamount to betrayal of the nation. It puts the nation and its people at the mercy of the leader. That people fell prey en masse to this most irrational of ideologies is one of the great tragedies of the twentieth century. The price was paid in World War II.

Totalitarianism shares many of the characteristics of fascism; the all-powerful leader, the police state, the control of the press, the propaganda. It differs mainly in the emphasis placed upon achieving total control by the use of modern technology. Rapid communication and transportation in the hands of the police, coupled with surveillance of people and arbitrary imprisonment of dissenters are all utilized to maximize control by the state over the people. 

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