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Brexit and Trump it was not Empiricism stupid it was Emotion

Brexit was not decided on Empiricism i.e. those soi disant (so called) 'educated' politicians and experts inforning us all that we would be worse off £4011,43 pence recurring in 4 years time.

The Brexit vote was decided by peoples gorges rising in quiet fury as they could not get a doctors appointment,  a school place for their children the response from the metropolitan elite was the usual tourettes syndrome name calling 'bigot, homophobe, islamophobe etc

This inability of liberals to recognise its fundamental flaw that we are social beings who find our meaning through others in our communities. 
'Could you get your child into the local school 
No, neither could I
Could you get a doctors appointment 
No. neither could I.'

Can we blame the ancients for this liberal world view? the Greek philosopher Democritus and the Roman philosopher Lucretius, or might we look at at the modern day exponents Mussolini and Hitler who were both soialists
When placed into the field of sociology, atomism assigns the individual as the basic unit of analysis for all implications of social life.[Therefore, all social values, institutions, developments and procedures evolve entirely out of the interests and actions of the individuals who inhabit any particular society. The individual is the ‘atom’ of society and therefore the only true object of concern and analysis

Individualism makes the individual its focus[1] and so starts "with the fundamental premise that the human individual is of primary importance in the struggle for liberation."[6] Classical Liberalismexistentialism, and anarchism are examples of movements that take the human individual as a central unit of analysis.[6] Individualism thus involves the right of the individual to freedom and self-realization.
Although libertarianism could be advocated as a full theory of moral permissibility, it is almost always advocated as a theory of justice in at least one of two senses. In one sense, justice is concerned with the moral duties that we owe others. It does not address impersonal duties (duties owed to no one) or duties owed to self

Those who question social atomism argue that it is unjust to treat all persons equally when individual necessities and circumstances are clearly dissimilar

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