Many would submit or argue that the
problem with liberals is that they’ve always been so convinced of their moral
righteousness that they never feel the need to analyse 
So is this unwavering stance of moral righteousness, of moral superiority,
So is this unwavering stance of moral righteousness, of moral superiority,
fascistic for you express a counter view expect a great deal of undue vehemence, manifested in recriminatory 'how dare you' finger wagging. 
One then wonders where this type of leftist surety, this Utopian certainty emanates from?
For Fascist movements
are implicitly utopian because they—like communist and heretical Christian
movements—assume that with just the right arrangement of policies, all
contradictions can be rectified. This is a political siren song; think wolf
yodelling out it plaintive cry across the plains
One can envisage the leftist reaction who has been ingesting his
morning dogma in the leftist bible the Guardian newspaper, “What!!” he/she
expostulate and she spits out your soy latte.
But she protests
I say, "Slow
down, Che, put down your vegan burger, set side your latte and let me
After peeling back some layers and layers of Orwellian leftist language and
indoctrination that fascism is of the evil American Right, closer examination
reveals startling comparisons to the modern American leftist.
Fascism could not be any further from the American conservative (Classical
Liberalism at it’s heart). Very
few realize that fascism by its very nature was an extremely leftist populist
movement taking root in Mussolini’s Italy and spreading like wild fire
throughout Europe.

History of
Fascism was born out of socialism (the prized ideology among the
left) and was an evolved state-centric version of socialism which became
popular around the early to mid 1900s. It was “new” and full of revolutionary change.
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (a name consisting almost entirely of
Socialist revolutionaries) was raised a charismatic Italian Socialist (his
Socialist father being a huge influence on him) (Goldberg 31).
After Mussolini incorporated socialism and nationalism within
Italy, fascism spread quickly (without much pretense to race that would come
later with German Nazism). Fascism would eventually compete with International
Socialism for the young revolutionary, the working man, the poor, and the
masses in places such as Germany, France, and Italy.
The state was always before the individual under fascism; taking
from some and redistributing to the many. This is the core of modern
American leftist ideology. Many parallels of fascism are closely similar
to Obamacare (expanding health services), higher taxes among the elite and
wealthy (wealth confiscation), and the most recent; the fascist power grab, by
the FCC “Net Neutrality” rules (anti-capitalist).
. Not to mention, affirmative action (prized among the left)
is just race privilege enforced by government intervention. Affirmative
action is similar to the notorious government enforced Aryan privilege in Nazi
Germany regardless of skill.
dangers of the left
In all leftist extremes, be it communism, Nazism, socialism, or
Fascism; murder, violence, and censorship are sure to be the eventual outcome
of huge government. It is a historic pattern and if history is cyclical, which
I believe it is, we are at the beginning of what will be the eventual violence
found among extreme Leftist purity tactics dating back to the French Revolution
(Jacboins), up
through Soviet
Russia (Bolsheviks), Ukraine, and Communist
Nothing has been more devastating and dangerous politically in the
20th century than leftist thought. If we look at 20th century communism alone
we come to a whopping 85-100
million worldwide that perished under such leftist regimes, not to
mention the censorship, labor camps, violation of civil liberties, and
“There is at least one official voice in Europe that expresses
understanding of the methods and motives of President Roosevelt,” began a New
York Times report in July 1933. “This voice is that of Germany, as represented
by Chancellor Adolf Hitler.” The German leader told the Times, “I have sympathy
with President Roosevelt because he marches straight toward his objective over
Congress, over lobbies, over stubborn bureaucracies.”
― Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning
― Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning
“In a famous interview with Emil Ludwig, Mussolini reiterated
his view that “America has a dictator” in FDR. In an essay written for American
audiences, he marveled at how the forces of “spiritual renewal” were destroying
the outdated notion that democracy and liberalism were “immortal principles.”
“America itself is abandoning them. Roosevelt is moving, acting, giving orders
independently of the decisions or wishes of the Senate or Congress. There are
no longer intermediaries between him and the nation.”
― Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning
― Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning
Photo from the Holodomor, a man-made famine in the Ukrainian
Soviet Socialist Republic
“The Nazi ideologist—and Hitler rival—Gregor Strasser put it
quite succinctly: “We are socialists. We are enemies, deadly enemies, of
today’s capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically
weak, its unfair wage system, its immoral way of judging the worth of human
beings in terms of their wealth and their money, instead of their
responsibility and their performance, and we are determined to destroy this
system whatever happens!”
― Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning
― Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning
“the most important legacy of the 1960s has to be liberal guilt.
Guilt over their inability to create the Great Society. Guilt over leaving
children, blacks, and the rest of the Coalition of the Oppressed “behind.”
Guilt is among the most religious of emotions and has a way of rapidly
devolving into a narcissistic God complex. Liberals were proud of how guilty they
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