There is a view held of the market, that it is suspicious, dishonest, even contemptible, Yes, it is an inferior thing.
"Look at them!...avaricious, it is disgusting, their activities appear to add to available wealth, out of nothing, without physical creation and by merely rearranging what already exists, To be frank it stinks of sorcery," said an acquaintance of mine on the 'left' of the political arena.
"That a mere change of hands should lead to a gain in value to all participants, it is gain for one at the expense of the others, that is why it is called 'exploitation'," Ok Ok, calm down, righteous one.
Yet the market, something which envelops us all, is nonetheless intuitively difficult
to grasp. As a consequence of say repeated flashbulb imagery of stock markets from the ever hungry for sensation media, many people
continue to find the mental feats associated with the 'market' as depending on trick or fraud, cunning or deceit, they even see the market as a kind of sorcery.
Yeah, 'Greed is good' Wall Street. Remember that film, did you see it?" "Fuck off, I don't go to see facile Hollywood shite."
This panoptic leftist view, of the 'market' as evil; a moral high ground which is more often than not viewed from a comfortable arm chair in a comfortable home, sometime with garage, which the existence of a 'market' has provided.
Therein lies the fault.
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