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Dad, What is Money?

“Oh, I don’t is simultaneously everything and nothing."
"What do you mean?"
“Well, it is an abstract is....”
“What do you mean?”
“It is hard to explain...can we just leave it?”

And we both fall into a silence and look out of the window hoping to find  an explanation of what money is.

“What do you mean it is everything and nothing?”
I look at the fire and just wish this question would dissipate up the chimney.

How I wish I could explain as David Harvey does in his excellent book
Consciousness and the Urban Experience, that money is a dark and invisible cloud that hovers over us. It is the thread of connection that binds men and women, it is everywhere and nowhere, it is the most complete and profoundest of all our centralising forces; it is a means that poses as an end. It is a concrete abstraction that exists external to us and exercises the most profound power over us.

“So are you saying, that we, individuals, are ruled by an abstraction?"
“Yes, I am

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