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When your PhD is treated as a disability

 ..You go to renew your Membership of the local tennis club

I stand by the Official filling out the form


I hesitate '...well ...Doctor...'

The old Official clears his throat

' ...say ?

There is an insult floating around him

' comes with having a PhD'

Later that week I am mocked by members of the Tennis club

for mentioning the word Doctor

Weeks go by,  I am selling my house

I use the Dr title again to give myself some kudos in the negotiations

the estate agent has spread the word....and potential buyers

under pain of death are instructed to  call me Dr and request if I could help with their minor injuries...what a laugh for the snidy Estate Agent.

I don't use the Dr title any more I have been hounded off it

by mocking laughter. But I must add, not by my Dentist

who shows great interest in the content of  the PhD...

which was....'The Physics of the Self'

The term PhD or Doctorate of Philosophy is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase 'philosophiae doctor'. A PhD degree typically involves students independently conducting original and significant research in a specific field or subject, before producing a publication-worthy thesis.

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