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The WHO ...and their unhelpful plague prognosis,,,imparting to the young that the world is a future less place

During the Lockdown the  hours not so much elapse as grow less relevant.
One begins to think of  the  the existence of time as really too ridiculous to consider, regardless of its status as a believed-in phenomenon.

For the hours turn into days, weeks, month, when will it ever end, the WHO
that despicable organisation with its grandiose title informs us 'charitably'
wit the implication it will never end, the children in the early years of their life are left to chew miserably on this doom laden, attraction seeking view the world as a futureless 

How do these people get into power? 

In the opinion of many the WHO should stick to what it does a best - being a 
puppet of  China

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