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The tragically void Democratic meessages of morality, love etc

Democrats are very good at redirecting attention, with their declarative sentence (as if stating a fact) Booker to the ethereal plane of 'love' Pelosi on the meta psychical plane of 'morality', such messages are inherently unstable, and if one delves into their evasive and casuistic messages what one finds is a  tragically void 
lack of substance.

 If we dislike the Religious theme of the Assumption, for instance, we may displace it, break it, or shake it, and ipso facto, the same goes for 'love' and 'morality, we cannot replace them by a purer, less corrupted meaning that would access more directly what is in question I.E the 'real' world; the hic et nunc. Latin, literally the here and now,

Pelosi, Booker, Harris et al are not about the message they are all about featuring the messengers, To use lovetalk as a template, it is the trembling or hectoring of the voice, the tone of delivery that gives truth value to the otherwise insubstantive claims on love and morality.

If you loud hailer voters on love and morality you are doing so from a bullet proof limousine
Yet  the path falsely  indicated by such messages has to be broken, shattered, and interrupted, so as to redirect the sight away from the invisible and unalterable substance of the spiritual world.

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