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Pelosi 'morality' and Booker with 'love' trying to convey presence with absence

Nothing like addressing our message to the ego, vote for me and you too are moral, ego a good person the  mediators of love and morality can make on feel they are adorned with the frail feathers of angels.

They hope that you will overlook what they are (which is  essentially religious mediators)
and the hope you will succumb to or add yourself to the list of relays that vibrates through their faux messages.

We would have far better ways of producing persons if we could get rid of "all that" 'morality/love talk (meaning angels, icons) /The difficulty for the voter who is cowed by such political messaging is to learn how to not be iconophilic (revere the images)  but to be iconoclast (undermine the image).
we should unearth the breaches that make those messages, inscriptions  (morality/love unfit for normal political consumption

As we observe, evaluate such messages it is well to remenber that we are observing
with  a "period eye of Quattrocento (15th century) Florence.

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